AGC Fine Chemicals:
AGC has a unique position as a producer of pharmaceutical and agricultural fine chemicals with over twenty years’ experience in fluorine chemistry.
AGC’s product range includes various fluorine compounds such as fluoroanilines, fluorobenzoic acid and fluoroquinolones, as well as advanced intermediates and bulk pharmaceuticals. In response to customer demand, AGC has increased capacity of its multi-purpose cGMP plant where APIs and intermediates are produced.
We specialise in:
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
- Fluorination (HF, Balz-Schimann., TFEDMA, FAR, F2)
- Chlorination,Iodination, Bromination
- Friedel-Crafts Reaction, Grignard Reaction, Suzuki Coupling
- Low Temperature Reaction (-100ºC)
- Hydrogenation (up to 4.5 MPa)
- Peptides
- Enzymatic Reaction
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)
- Bulk Actives Injection use
- Highly Potent Bulk Actives
cGMP Multi-Purpose Plant
SUS and Hastelloy glass-lined reactors from 0.1 to 6m3 capacity are configured to produce various products in quantities from 10kg to several tonnes.
AGC can carry out reactions under high pressure (4.5MPa) or at low temperatures in Hastelloy reactors of 0.1 and 1m3. Products are discharged into a PTFE-lined centrifuge of 600mm diameter or into a stainless steel filter dryer (1m3) and then into a conical dryer or a vibrating vacuum dryer for final processing. This equipment is all located in a clean room.
Environmental Certification
- AGC’s Chiba plant is registered to ISO 14001